Cyprus Double Taxation Agreements - 2024

Last Update: February 21, 2024

Cyprus has established itself as a significant financial hub, attracting investors and corporations worldwide. A key aspect of its appeal lies in its extensive network of Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs). These agreements are designed to prevent the same income from being taxed by two different jurisdictions, thereby fostering cross-border trade, ensuring tax fairness, and encouraging international investments.

With the list of agreements as provided by the Ministry of Finance, this resource stands not just as a testament to Cyprus’s commitment to global economic cooperation, but also as a practical tool for financial planning and decision-making in the international arena.

 StatePublication in the Official Gazette of the Republic (Number, date, text document)
1Andorra 4240-1/6/2018
2Armenia4145 – 05 /09/ 2011
3Austria(new agreement)2500 – 27 /04/ 19904160 – 05 /10/ 2012 
5Barbados 4226 – 12/05/2017
6Belarus3273- 09 /10/ 1998
7Belgium3365 – 19 /11/ 1999
8Bosnia*2073 – 23 /08/ 1985
9Bulgaria3461 – 30 /12/ 2000
10Canada2053- 31 /05/ 1985 
11China2578 – 22 /02/ 1991
12Czech Republic(new agreement)1599 – 03 /05/ 19804114 – 13 /11/ 2009
13Croatia 4278 – 27/10/2023
14Denmark(new agreement)1704 – 17 /07/ 1981 4145- 05 /09/ 2011 
15Egypt(new agreement)2865 – 11 /03/ 19944255 – 25/10/2019 
16Estonia 4164 – 01 /02/ 2013 
17Ethiopia4204 – 18 /01/ 2016
18Finland4167 – 22 /03/ 2013
19France(new agreement)1468 – 09 /07/ 19824279 – 22/12/2023 
20Georgia4196 – 29 /05/ 2015
21Germany(new agreement)(amending protocol)1199 – 27 /06/ 19754145 – 05 /09/ 20114264 – 05/03/2021
22Greece651 – 10 /05/ 1968
23Hungary862 -07 /05/ 1982
24Iceland4191 – 19 /12/ 2014
25India(new agreement)2921 – 04 /11/ 19944216 – 25 /11/ 2016
26Iran4198 – 25 /08/ 2015
27Ireland726 – 19 /05/ 1969
28Italy(new protocol)1586 – 05 /09/ 19804125 – 04 /06/ 2010
29Jersey4213 – 05 /08 /2016
30Jordan 4272 – 31/12/2021
31Kazakhstan  4251-24/5/2019
32Kingdom of Bahrain4193 – 20 /03/ 2015
33Kuwait(new agreement)2026 – 18 /01/ 19854145 – 05 /09/ 2011
35Latvia4211 – 03 /06 /2016 
37Lithuania4173 – 04 /12/ 2013
39Malta2860 – 25 /02/ 1994
40Mauritius(new protocol)3410 – 02 /06/ 2000 4233 – 17/11/2017
41Moldova4098 – 29 /08/ 2008
42Montenegro*2073 – 23 /08/ 1985
43Netherlands 4268 – 04/06/2021
44Norway(new agreement)11/06/19564180 – 20 /06/ 2014
45Poland(new agreement)2735 – 04 /09/ 19924156 – 30 /03/ 2012
46Portugal4167 – 22 /03/2013
47Qatar4099 – 14 /11/ 2008
48Romania1757- 26 /02/ 1982
49Russia(amending protocol)(additional amending protocol)3306 – 26 /02/ 19994145 – 05 /09/ 20114260 – 11/09/2020
50San Marino(amending protocol)        4088 – 13 /06/ 20074230 – 30 /06/ 2017
51Saudi Arabia 4237 – 05/03/2018
52Serbia*2073 – 23 /08/ 1985
54Singapore3641 – 30 /12/ 2000
55Slovakia**1599 – 03 /05/ 1980
56Slovenia*(new agreement)2073 – 23 /08/ 19854145 – 05 /09/ 2011
57South Africa(amending protocol)3214 – 16/01/19984195 – 08 /05/ 2015
58Spain4167 – 22 /03/ 2013
59Sweden2377 – 20 /01/ 1989
60Swiss Confederation(amending protocol)4181 – 30 /07/2014 4259-24/07/2020
61Syria2863 – 04 /03/ 1994
62Thailand3394 – 17 /03/ 2000
63The States of Guernsey4182 – 14 /08/ 2014
64Ukraine***(new agreement)(amending protocol)26/11/19824167 – 22 /03/ 20134203 – 23/12/2015
65United Arab Emirates4145 – 05 /09/ 2011
66United Kingdom(amending protocol)(new agreement)amending protocol1107 – 05 /07/ 19744238 – 2/4/20184248- 28/12/2018 
67USA1944 – 04 /04/ 1984
68Uzbekistan***26 /11 1982

Source: Minsitry of Finance


*7 Denmark – The existing Convention shall cease to have effect as from 1.1.2012
The treaty  between Cyprus and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is still in force.
** The treaty between Cyprus and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic is still in force.
***The treaty  between Cyprus and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is still in force.